From a Hall of Nations to a Pile of Rubble, will the Phoenix rise? With the demolition of the Hall of Nations, New Delhi lost a part of itself on Sunday, the 23rd of April 2017. Both erasure and inscription are equal instruments in the production of culture. Both are tools through which the rich and the powerful inflict their will on a landscape. Both erasure and inscription are the vehicles through which we communicate what is important to us, in its absence and in its presence. The demolition of the Hall of Nations sounded the death knell for an idea of India that had its roots in the ideals of the freedom struggle. Our fight against an authoritarian colonial power was rewarded with Independence in 1947. The embracing of technology, of art and science as tools in a democratic project, the vehicles for a nations development, was manifested (and continues to be) in both public policy and material form in the decades following Independ...